Settings Reference


  • Default:

  • Type: string or list


Set this to the value of the aud claim your ADFS server sends back in the JWT token.

You can lookup this value by executing the powershell command Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust on the ADFS server and taking the Identifier value. But beware, it doesn’t match exactly if it’s not a URL.


Relying Party Trust identifier

aud claim value




  • Default: False

  • Type: boolean

Whether guest users of your Azure AD is allowed to log into the site. This is validated by matching the in the claims towards the configured tenant.


  • Default: None

  • Type: dictionary

A dictionary of claim/field mappings that is used to set boolean fields on the user account in Django.

The key represents user model field (e.g. first_name) and the value represents the claim short name (e.g. given_name).

If the value is any of y, yes, t, true, on, 1, the field will be set to True. All other values, or the absence of the claim, will result in a value of False


    "BOOLEAN_CLAIM_MAPPING": {"is_staff": "user_is_staff",
                              "is_superuser": "user_is_superuser"},


You can find the short name for the claims you configure in the ADFS management console underneath ADFSServiceClaim Descriptions


  • Default: True

  • Type: boolean or string

The value of this setting is passed to the call to the Requests package when fetching the access token from ADFS. It allows you to control the webserver certificate verification of the ADFS server.

True to use the default CA bundle of the requests package.

/path/to/ca-bundle.pem allows you to specify a path to a CA bundle file. If your ADFS server uses a certificate signed by an enterprise root CA, you will need to specify the path to it’s certificate here.

False disables the certificate check.

Have a look at the Requests documentation for more details.


Do not set this value to False in a production setup. Because we load certain settings from the ADFS server, this might lead to a security issue. DNS hijacking for example might cause an attacker to inject his own access token signing certificate.


  • Default: None

  • Type: dictionary

A dictionary of claim/field mappings that will be used to populate the user account in Django. The user’s details will be set according to this setting upon each login.

The key represents the user model field (e.g. first_name) and the value represents the claim short name (e.g. given_name).


    "CLAIM_MAPPING": {"first_name": "given_name",
                      "last_name": "family_name",
                      "email": "email"},

The dictionary can also map extra details to the Django user account using an Extension of the User model Set a dictionary as value in the CLAIM_MAPPING setting with as key the name User model. You will need to make sure the related field exists before the user authenticates. This can be done by creating a receiver on the post_save signal that creates the related instance when the User instance is created.


'CLAIM_MAPPING': {'first_name': 'given_name',
                  'last_name': 'family_name',
                  'email': 'upn',
                  'userprofile': {
                      'employee_id': 'employeeid'


You can find the short name for the claims you configure in the ADFS management console underneath ADFSServiceClaim Descriptions


  • Default:

  • Type: dictionary


Set this to the value you configured on your ADFS server as ClientId when executing the Add-AdfsClient command.

You can lookup this value by executing the powershell command Get-AdfsClient on the ADFS server and taking the ClientId value.


  • Default: None

  • Type: string

A Client secret is generated by ADFS server when executing the Add-AdfsClient command with the -GenerateClientSecret parameter.

You can lookup this value by executing the powershell command Get-AdfsClient on the ADFS server and taking the ClientSecret value.


  • Default: 24

  • Unit: hours

  • Type: integer

When starting Django, some settings are retrieved from the ADFS metadata file or the OpenID Connect configuration on the ADFS server. Based on this information, certain configuration for this module is calculated.

This setting determines the interval after which the configuration is reloaded. This allows to automatically follow the token signing certificate rollover on ADFS.


  • Default: True

  • Type: boolean

Determines whether users are created automatically if they do not exist.

If set to False, then you need to create your users before they can log in.


  • Default: False

  • Type: boolean

Setting this to True will globally disable the seamless single sign-on capability of ADFS. Forcing ADFS to prompt users for a username and password, instead of automatically logging them in with their current user. This allows users to use a different account then the one they are logged in with on their workstation.

You can also selectively enable this setting by using <a href="{% url 'django_auth_adfs:login-no-sso' %}">...</a> in a template instead of the regular <a href="{% url 'django_auth_adfs:login' %}">...</a>


This does not work with ADFS 3.0 on windows 2012 because this setting requires OpenID Connect which is not supported on ADFS 3.0


  • Default: 0

  • Type: str

Allows you to set a leeway of the JWT token. See the official PyJWT docs for more information.


  • Default: lambda

  • Type: str or callable

Allows you to set a custom django function view to handle login failures. Can be a dot path to your Django function based view function or a callable.

Callable must have the following method signature accepting error_message and status arguments:

def failed_response(request, error_message, status):
    # Return an error message
    return render(request, 'myapp/login_failed.html', {
        'error_message': error_message,
    }, status=status)




  • Default: group for ADFS or groups for Azure AD

  • Type: string

Name of the claim in the JWT access token from ADFS that contains the groups the user is member of. If an entry in this claim matches a group configured in Django, the user will join it automatically.

Set this setting to None to disable automatic group handling. The group memberships of the user will not be touched.


If not set to None, a user’s group membership in Django will be reset to math this claim’s value. If there’s no value in the access token, the user will be removed from all groups.


You can find the short name for the claims you configure in the ADFS management console underneath ADFSServiceClaim Descriptions


  • Default: None

  • Type: dictionary

This settings allows you to set flags on a user based on his group membership in Active Directory.

For example, if a user is a member of the group Django Staff, you can automatically set the is_staff field of the user to True.

The key represents the boolean user model field (e.g. is_staff) and the value, which can either be a single String or an array of Strings, represents the group(s) name (e.g. Django Staff).


    "GROUP_TO_FLAG_MAPPING": {"is_staff": ["Django Staff", "Other Django Staff"],
                              "is_superuser": "Django Admins"},


The group doesn’t need to exist in Django for this to work. This will work as long as it’s in the groups claim in the access token.


  • Default: None

  • Type: string

When these criteria are met:

  1. A guest_username_claim is configured

  2. Token claims do not have the configured settings.USERNAME_CLAIM in it

  3. The settings.BLOCK_GUEST_USERS is set to False

  4. The claims tid does not match settings.TENANT_ID or claims idp does not match iss.

Then, the GUEST_USERNAME_CLAIM can be used to populate a username, when the USERNAME_CLAIM cannot be found in the claims.

This can be useful when you want to use upn as a username claim for your own users, but some guest users (such as normal outlook users) don’t have that claim.


  • Default: None

  • Type: list

When you activate the LoginRequiredMiddleware middleware, by default every page will redirect an unauthenticated user to the page configured in the Django setting LOGIN_URL.

If you have pages that should not trigger this redirect, add them to this setting as a list value.

Every item it the list is interpreted as a regular expression.




  • Default: False

  • Type: boolean

This parameter will create groups from ADFS in the Django database if they do not exist already.

True will create groups.

False will not create any extra groups.


This parameter only has effect if GROUP_CLAIM is set to something other then None.


  • Default:

  • Type: string


Set this to the Relying party trust identifier value of the Relying Party Trust (2012) or Web application (2016) you configured in ADFS.

You can lookup this value by executing the powershell command Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust (2012) or Get-AdfsWebApiApplication (2016) on the ADFS server and taking the Identifier value.




  • Default: 3

  • Type: integer

The number of time a request to the ADFS server is retried. It allows, in combination with TIMEOUT to fine tune the behaviour of the connection to ADFS.


  • Default: []

  • Type: list

Only used when you have v2 AzureAD config


  • Default:

  • Type: string

Required when your identity provider is an on premises ADFS server.

Only one of SERVER or TENANT_ID can be set.

The FQDN of the ADFS server you want users to authenticate against.


  • Default: django_auth_adfs.config.Settings

  • Type: string

By default, django-auth-adfs reads the configuration from the Django setting AUTH_ADFS. You can provide the configuration in a custom implementation and point to it by using the SETTINGS_CLASS setting:

# in myapp.adfs.config

class CustomSettings:

    SERVER = 'bar'
    AUDIENCE = 'foo'

# in

    'SETTINGS_CLASS': 'myapp.adfs.config.CustomSettings',
    # other settings are not needed

The value must be an importable dotted Python path, and the imported object must be callable with no arguments to initialize.

Use cases are storing configuration in database so an administrator can edit the configuration in an admin interface.


  • Default:

  • Type: string

Required when your identity provider is an Azure AD instance.

Only one of TENANT_ID or SERVER can be set.

The FQDN of the ADFS server you want users to authenticate against.


  • Default: 5

  • Unit: seconds

  • Type: integer

The timeout in seconds for every request made to the ADFS server. It’s passed on as the timeout parameter to the underlying calls to the requests library.

It allows, in combination with RETRIES to fine tune the behaviour of the connection to ADFS.


  • Default: winaccountname for ADFS or upn for Azure AD.

  • Type: string

Name of the claim sent in the JWT token from ADFS that contains the username. If the user doesn’t exist yet, this field will be used as it’s username.

The value of the claim must be a unique value. No 2 users should ever have the same value.


You shouldn’t need to set this value for ADFS or Azure AD unless you use custom user models. Because winaccountname maps to the sAMAccountName on Active Directory, which is guaranteed to be unique. The same for Azure AD where upn maps to the UserPrincipleName, which is unique on Azure AD.


You can find the short name for the claims you configure in the ADFS management console underneath ADFSServiceClaim Descriptions


  • Default: v1.0

  • Type: string

Version of the Azure Active Directory endpoint version. By default it is set to v1.0. At the time of writing this documentation, it can also be set to v2.0. For new projects, v2.0 is recommended. v1.0 is kept as a default for backwards compatibility.


  • Default: None

  • Type: dict

An optional proxy for all communication with the server. Example: {'http': '', 'https': ''} See the requests documentation for more information.